Friday, November 2, 2007

As soon as hunting is over our Master Momma will be updating this blog. With the busy schedules in the last month it has been very hard to do that.

The hunt begins in the morning...Good Luck to our Masters!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Shelly's Turn

Shelly has left our place and is off to her new home. Another one we have had to part with but we had no choice. She, too, will be missed. The nice thing about her going is that she is nearby. Cassie from Staples MN took Shelly after I had her listed on for free. So far we are pleased with the out come of every horse we have had as far as finding them good homes. And I like that every owner I have met is going to stay in touch with me.
As sad as it is to see these horses go. I did get some good news though. Grace, my new horse, the gal that had her told me that she was registered and that she was having a hard time getting her papers. The guy would never return her call. And then if she would have put the horse up for sale she would have sold her a grade, but we traded. I had something she liked. So in a way I still felt that I was happy to trade her horses. The one I had was registered but not my type of horse. The news I received today is he sent the papers and she is sending them off to me....Yipee! I can't wait to see those papers and see what kind of bloodlines she carries

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Puppy Boy

Happy Birthday my Puppy Boy, Rylee. You were a whole year old on Oct, 11th 2007


Friday, August 17, 2007


Yes, Long overdue for an update. Rikee is doing fine. Her eye is healing and the appointments are few. Rylee has been neutered. Poor baby couldn't figure out why those big bumps are gone. I guess nothing to lick now....Heehee! We will be without one horse buddy. Jessie will have new home Labor Day weekend. She will be missed and hopefully she will be taken care of. Roper and Ginger are up for sale now. They, too, will be missed when they go. We are now down to one Parakeet. Momma found the yellow one on the bottom of the cage today. Momma keeps telling us that when the last one goes there will be no more.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Another Recheck

Rikee had her second recheck on her eye. This time we drove to Detroit Lakes rather than driving down to Golden Valley. Rylee and I were able to go for a car ride to keep Master Momma company.

Anyway the appointment went well. Her eye is healing, but she still has drops that need to be instilled. This time they are different drops. Some sort of steroid drops and this time she has to be watched because this could effect her Diabetes.

Friday, June 8, 2007


AND to the one who makes sure we are taken care of with food, shelter and such~ HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR MASTER MOMMA!

Sunday, June 3, 2007


(Sorry, this is a day late, Rikee!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Rikee had her surgery on May 21st. Looks like it went fine but Rylee and I (Reeba) have to laugh when we do see her. She has this funny looking plastic collar on. I guess so she doesn't scratch or rub her eye. Though she has figured out how to rub. Then we cry for her because she can't play with us. She has to be cooped up in her crate so we don't bother her. US.....BOTHER HER?? NAHH! WE WOULDN'T DO THAT!! ( yes, we would!) Anyway, she gets all this special treatment from our Masters. But how stressful this may have been for them we won't take on some pretend known issues to seek that attention.
Rikee gets to go for car ride on Thursday for a check up. Maybe, just maybe we may be able to go as well.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Update on Rikee

Again our Masters have been busy...Rikee now has a Glucose Monitor for her Diabetes. Now Momma Master can check her levels and report her 12 hour curve to Dr. Anne.

The first time the curve was done Rikee had to have her ear pricked to draw the blood. Rikee didn't seem to mind but sometimes she ran when it was time to do the test again. Well, the first curve the numbers were crazy so she had to go through it again the next day. Numbers were better this time but still running too high so Drs. Paul and Anne have increased her Vetsulin (animal insulin) to 9 units. She will have another curve done in a month.

Rikee is done with her annual check with the vet, too. She is done until next year.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

April 27th, 28th and 29th

ALRIGHT!!! The dates above were the dates Gramma and Grampa were over taking care of us while our Master's were away at the Horse Expo. We never left our Gramma's side. Though they had to make sure the Horses were fed we were with them at ALL times. Rheeya, too. We were very good because that is what Gramma told out Master Momma.

Boy, did we have Gramma fooled....HeeHee!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Vet Check #1

Rheeya is the first one went for her Doctors visit. She went in on April 18th. She is 66 pounds, pretty healthy....except she did test positive for Lyme's. She received all her shots, Heartgard, and FrontlinePlus. She has to take medication for the Lyme's. She is done for until next year. The Doctors really like her...well, she likes all of us. Rikee is the next one or it may be Rylee...he gets to be neutered. :) HeeHee!

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Our poor Master Mom has been SO busy this month that she hasn't had time to post anything for us. Easter has come and has the Easter Bunny. We ate him or her! No, not really but if we had our way, we would break away from the leashes and chase the wascally wabbit!

The month of April is the start of vaccinating the horses and worming them and us dogs and the cats get to see our favorite vet to get all our annual things done. Then we heard that our Gramma and Grampa our coming over to stay with us while our Master head of to the Horse Expo at the end of the month. WE CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE THEM!!!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

We all decided to RUNAWAY from our masters! And left this bag for them to take care of.

HA! April Fool's!

Friday, March 23, 2007

JUST IN !!!!


Rat poison found in tainted pet food - Pet Health -

This is worth reading as well....Found in our local Newspaper:

FDA contacts Busho about cat death, pet food link
Kori Busho got the feeling everyone thought she was crazy this week after she reported that her cat died and wondered if it was connected to the pet food recall.Busho, a Baxter resident, said Fluffy had been eating dry food the two years of its life before it was found dead Tuesday under the family's deck.She said the cat had been acting strange for a few days. Then Busho noticed the widespread reports of the pet food recall because of animal deaths.Over the weekend, news surfaced that several pets around the nation had died after eating certain wet pet food. Wednesday's Dispatch carried a story on the Busho cat, noting that it had been eating dry food.Now there are indications that the investigation may be broadened to include dry food.

Busho said she received a call Thursday afternoon from the Food and Drug Administration office in Rapid City, S.D., asking about the death of the Baxter cat. An FDA spokesperson told Busho that a Sioux Falls, S.D., man's cat suffered apparent kidney failure after eating the same food as FluffyBusho said there were scores of calls on a FOX9 chat line on the Internet on Wednesday night. A veterinarian from Woodbury was fielding the calls. Still, most of the media reports through Thursday morning said the investigation was for wet food only."People thought I was crazy," said Busho, an administrative assistant in the Business and Industry Center at Central Lakes College. "But now I've received this call from the FDA. And they said they wouldn't be spending all this energy on this if they didn't think there was a chance the dry food would be involved, too."Late Thursday afternoon, a spokesperson for the FDA in Washington said the office had no additional information.He said the FDA "continues to work around the clock on this recall to find the source of the problem."A FDA Web site reports that Menu Food, Inc., a private-label pet food manufacturer based in Ontario, was recalling its "cuts and gravy" style dog and cat food produced at an Emporia, Kan., plant between Dec. 3 and March 6.As of Saturday, the firm reported 14 animal deaths to the FDA. No update was available on the death toll.The FDA official said someone from the agency would be picking up food samples from the Baxter home, Busho said.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Momma Master is feeling blue
We use to have Three Parakeets
And now we're down to Two.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Happy Ending

This is such a great story that it made all of us jump for joy and wag our stubby tails. Makes us warm and fuzzy to know that there are caring people out there.

Monday, February 26, 2007

The 8 PM Feeding

Here we are in line or should we say we are lined up waiting for our dinner. Our Masters have always said we should have wings because we act like Vultures around feeding time.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Friday, February 2, 2007


We are not barking about the cold today. Our poor masters have had quite the night. As we were all running the house they were out in the barn. Some issues arose with 2 of the horse friends we have.

Roper.....He had lost some weight so that was a concern. And with the weather we are going to endure something had to be done. He received some royal treatment. New grain to add to the feed he already eats so he can get that weight back on. A fresh clean blanket and a night in the stall with hay he didn't have to share and of course water to drink. The poor old gent is 18 years of age and losing weight in this weather is not a good thing.

Jessie.....She sure put in a scare to our masters. She started to Colic. NOT a good thing but thank goodness it passed and no vet had to be called.

We are so lucky that we have such caring and loving masters!!

By the way......Happy Groundhog's Day. Now TELL us where WE can find that rascal!!! We would like to PLAY with him ;)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Friday, January 26, 2007

Diabetes and Dogs

Mommy Master found this website about Diabetes and Dogs. It gives a great understanding about canine diabetes.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Friday, January 5, 2007

Can Not Forget......

Wow......Long overdue for an update. We need to show you Tipper! She is kind of our other pal. Tipper came into the household when Masters Mom and Pop met. She doesn't like us all to well and thank GOODNESS she doesn't have any claws! Or we would be in BIG trouble.
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